Media Center
Explorer Library Media Center Information for Students
We are open for the students during the following times:
Before School - Library Media Center opens up at 8:30 a.m.
During Lunch - LMC opens at 12:40 p.m. No food or drink (other than water) is allowed in the Library Media Center.
After School - Library Media Center will close around 4:00 p.m., except on Early Release days, which will be 1:00 p.m.
The Library Media Center will be open for students to:
- Read
- Study
- Complete homework
- Troubleshoot a Chromebook or obtain a loaner for the day
Love to Read?
We're proud to offer a variety of library resources for our students – both in hard copy and as eBooks. We use a system called Follett Destiny for library (media center) resources.
Destiny Discover (sometimes called Follett Destiny) is our web-based library catalog and resource that can be used on any device that is connected to the internet. It allows students, staff, and families to:
- See all of the books — both hard copies in print and digital eBooks — available in our library system.
- View book information, including copies available, a description of the book, reading level, and reviews.
- See suggestions of related subjects.
- Make a list of book selections.
- Create a bibliography from a book list with the touch of a button.
- Write reviews.
- View your student's Destiny account, which includes materials from both the library and the bookstore allowing families to access check-out history.
To find out what's available in our library:
You can explore Destiny Discover as a guest to see book titles available, or you can log in using a student single sign-on account.
Accessing Student Library History
If you would like to access your child's library history, visit Destiny Discover or contact your school's media center.
Once in Destiny Discover, click “Login” located in the top right corner of the screen.
Select “Single Sign On” as the option to sign in.
Log in with the authentication portal using your child's PVSchools username and password. Once logged in, you should see your child's name in the top right corner of the screen.
Click the “My Stuff” option and then choose “History” to view your child's check-out history.
Helpful Tips
Checking Out Books: A valid Explorer ID must be presented in order to check out a book. The easiest way to find a book is to use the Destiny Discovery website. A student may have two (2) Library Books checked out at a time. This does not include Class Novels. Books should be returned to the library as soon as the student has finished using the book.
Loan Period: The loan period for general circulation is two (2) weeks.
Renewals: Students may renew books as needed, unless the book has been placed on hold by another student.
Reference Books: For library use only, no checkouts permitted.
Overdue Notices: These are emailed to the student and teachers every Wednesday. Severe overdue notices (more than 60 days overdue) will require the student to make a call home to have an adult help remind them to bring the book.
Lost and/or Damaged Books: If the book cannot be found or repaired, the student will be billed for the replacement cost. At the time of check-out, the student must check the book for any previous damage that has not been documented. Do not “dog-ear” pages; use a bookmark, they're free!
Behavior: There is no loud talking in the library. Students with inappropriate behavior or computer use will lose the privilege of using the library for a specific length of time depending on the severity of the infraction.