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Regular attendance is essential to a student's success in school. Students should not be absent from school unless absolutely necessary, as classroom activity cannot be made up. Lectures, discussions, and participation are lost for those who are absent.

To Excuse an Absence

Report the absence by telephone to the attendance line as soon as possible each morning that a student is absent. For your convenience, we do have voicemail to record absences.

Report an absence by dialing (602) 449-4201.

Dismissal During the School Day

When dismissing a student during the school day, only those adults listed on the emergency contact list in Infinite Campus may pick up a student. Picture identification is required.

Late Arrivals

A parent or guardian must sign the student in for the late arrival to be considered an excused tardy. Otherwise, it will be considered an unexcused tardy.

If returning from a medical or dental appointment, provide the verification of appointment upon return. Then, the absence will be changed to medically excused.

Habitual morning tardiness will result in referral to the Assistant Principal or Dean of Students.


Students who are late to school must report to the attendance office. Students who are late to class without an excuse will be considered tardy.

For 3 tardies - Verbal/Written Warning. Communication with parents.

For 4-9 tardies - One day of lunch detention for each tardy.

For 10+ tardies - Possible one day of in-school/out-of-school suspension for each tardy.

Truancy Procedures

A student absent without the consent of his/her parents is truant and will be given an unexcused absence. An absence can be noted as a medical excuse by bringing in a dated slip from the doctor's office stating that the student was seen.

A student is truant for any of the following reasons:

  • Leaves school without signing out in the front office.
  • Leaves school at lunch.
  • Is absent from school without prior permission from the parents.
  • Is absent from class without permission.
  • Obtains a pass to go to a certain place and doesn't report there.
  • Comes to school but does not attend classes.

Excessive truancy may result in school-level consequences, up to suspension.  

Regular Bell Schedule


  • All math and English classes are 75-minute blocks. 
  • Students assigned to A/B and C/D blocks have math and English before lunch. 
  • Students assigned to E/F block have math and English after lunch. 
  • All other classes are 49-minute long periods. 

Early Release Bell Schedule


  • NO lunch is served on early release days
  • All math and English classes are 49-minute blocks. 
  • All other classes are 32-minute long periods.