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Students are placed in math classes based on test scores and teacher recommendations. 

Mathematics (7th/8th Grade/YR)

To prepare students for Pre-Algebra, students study problem-solving, decimals, statistics, patterns, fractions, measurements, Pre-Algebra, integers, geometry, ratios, percent, and probability.

Pre-Algebra (7th/8th Grade/YR)

This course is designed for the student who has shown mastery of foundational skills in math. The primary goals of the course are aligned with the 8th-grade state standards and include the following topics: algebraic concepts, expressions and equations, relationships of mathematical operations, mastery of manipulating fractions, decimals, and percents, problem-solving strategies, logical reasoning, data analysis, identifying mathematical patterns, and measurement. 7th-grade students who successfully complete this course and meet specified requirements would begin the study of algebra in the eighth grade. 8th-grade students who successfully complete this course and meet specified requirements would begin the study of algebra in the ninth grade.

Algebra (8th Grade/YR)

This course is for the student who has shown mastery of pre-algebra skills and 8th-grade state standards. The primary goals of the course are aligned with state standards for algebra. This course includes a study of sets of real numbers, solutions of first and second-degree equations, graphing on the coordinate plane, applications of algebra to data analysis and probability, patterns and functions, and their applications and basic mathematical structures. Students who successfully complete this course and meet specified requirements will begin the study of geometry in ninth grade.

7th Grade Math Teachers

Breana Mathis


Michelle Sounart


8th Grade Math Teachers

Kara Rosales


Jennifer Burgess


7th and 8th Grade Teacher

Jenna Rezac