Counseling Office
Counselors are here to help, and help they do in a multitude of ways. Some of the services they provide are:
- Peer Tutoring
- Support Groups
- Tutoring referral sources
- Counseling Referral sources
- Registration (6th, 7th, 8th, & high school)
- Parent/student/teacher conferences
- 504 accommodation plans
- Student conflict resolution
- Academic, personal, social and career counseling
- Prevention program facilitation
- Promoting school pride and community involvement
- Identifying students at risk and evaluating through SST process
- Character Education
- Support of the Anti-Bullying Programs and activities
7th Grade Registration Video
If you'd like to register a new student, click the enroll button at the top of the page!
If you have any questions please contact our registrar.
Amy Cushing